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Keeping Singapore’s Kampung Spirit Alive via Good Hood SG App

Updated: May 12, 2022

written by SEA Wave

May 29, 2020

Singapore was one of the countries who were prepared and were quick to implement appropriate measures during the COVID-19 outbreak in an effort to curb the damages of the virus. Like many countries, Singapore has also been on a circuit breaker or partial lockdown where businesses can still remain operational, as long as they follow strict social distancing and sanitary protocols. However, people are still strictly advised to stay indoors and only go out when necessary like shopping for essential goods.

The pandemic has clearly affected many of us in many ways, but in the midst of all the challenges and negativity we are facing, there are people who prove that they can use their creativity for spreading hope and joy during this time.

The concept of Singapore’s Kampung Spirit, referred to the solidarity in a community where understanding and compromise blossoms throughout the neighborhood, has never been more resonant with this latest edition of #SEAtizens.

Today, we are featuring Mr. Nigel Teo, who connects neighbors to do good through his brilliant app called GoodHood SG!

His app enables registered and verified users in the area, simply your neighbors, to share or request items and services, for a fee or as a donation!

GoodHood SG was supposedly set to be launched later this year, but with the current crisis, Nigel and his team worked hard so that they could launch it earlier to help communities.

Since then eighty to ninety percent of the users have offered their services to help their neighbors ranging from offering to buy groceries for those who cannot go out, walking their dogs and more.

For instance, app user Tan Cheow Kiat, said in his review, “Great app that allows me to interact and really form a community spirit within our neighborhood, which is very hard to find now.”

Another user, Nona Kok, believes that the App encourages community bonding and reaching out to our neighbors. “Very much needed in this day and age! It is easy to use, and very safe as its verified through facebook- the very platform we use to connect with friends and family,” she added.

Nigel Teo hopes to bring back Singapore’s “kampung spirit” through his app. “Kampung spirit” is defined simply as camaraderie and community spirit, the willingness to help others in kindness.

“Often, people don’t help one another because they don’t know others need help or they don’t see others helping. It’s tough now, with people losing their jobs and sectors being hit badly. If there is a sense of community, and people give what they can and they have, then neighbors can know one another better,” shared by Nigel in his interview with The Straits Times.

“If the neighbors care, it’s a safe space and it is less likely that you will struggle alone,” he added.

While many of us do struggle at this time, a little thoughtfulness and care for others would go a long way in making other people’s lives easier and less lonely!

Do you know any inspiring story from your country? Share it with us on the comments below!

SEA Wave magazine’s SEAtizens initiative is a series of inspiring stories of people in Southeast Asia who champion the human spirit by demonstrating courage, ingenuity, generosity, and selflessness amidst the current crisis.


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